Bard of the Setting Sun

A collection of Words, Quotes and Humour by myself and others


"A person without a sense of humour is like a wagon without springs..

- jolted by every pebble in the road." (Henry Ward Beecher)

Poems, Words & Lyrics | Philosophical Quotes | Humorous Quotes

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When I was just a child at school
I didn’t want to be there, not at all,
Later at work, earning a wage
I wanted to be somewhere else, anywhere at all

Married a Woman
Three kids and a dog
But always looking elsewhere,
Anywhere at all

With friends in a bar
Talking up a storm
But thinking I could do better
With anyone at all

Some other friend
Some other idea
Some other time
Some other place
Some other face

Finding nothing but faults

Thinking if I could just fix this
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad
Looking back now after all these years
The friends I’ve won and lost
Just leaves me feeling sad

What kind of a fool I been

Living in the future
Living in the past
My friends, talking at them
But never quite WITH them

Not really THERE at all

What kind of fool I been

Honour My Father
Honour my Mother
Give life to these veins
And stop trying to be another

Anyone but me

A Bard of the Setting Sun