- Settingsun33
"A person without a sense of humour is like a wagon without springs..
- jolted by every pebble in the road." (Henry Ward Beecher)
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Apples, she saidAnd behind ME I HEAR the sound of someone dropping
an apple to the floorBananas, she saidAnd behind HER I SEE a Bus going by with a banana on the sidePears, she saidAnd the movement she is doing with her hands
reminds me of holding two pears, one in each handPeaches, she says, and that certainly is a nice bum
in those jeans walking byStrawberries, she saysAnd I notice a freckle on her noseGrapefruit, she saysAnd the guys in support are talking cricketMelons, she says,And it isn’t always what you’d thinkMango, she saysAnd it’s written on her topOranges, she saysAnd it’s the colour of her shoesLemons and mandarins, she saysAnd I wonder why it’s those two together againI keep missing that oneAnyway, I’ve seen enoughAnd I now know that today my lifeIs a tropical fruit salad with citrusWho knows, tomorrow it may be vegetablesYesterday it was horses.The ice-cube day escaped me for some reason. With much love from a Bard of the Setting SunIn need of more fruit in his diet
My friend and I are painting the houseIn between all the other Bag-a-tale that makes up this thing I call my lifeIt is alternately frustrating and rewardingI want the FRUITS but not the LABOUR I know enough (which is not much) to know that if I can just keep goingI will get it done.But life has OTHER ideas.Busy-ness exploits, late nights, and tirednessAll contribute to a three week over-run Meanwhile, what chaos and mayhem I am reminded constantly just how EVERY-THING affects anotherSo, take three rooms ALL needing painting.ONE room is lagging behind.Meanwhile, one cannot move THIS to THEREOne has to squeeze past, step over, bend down, make do.Temporary sleeping arrangements which after a whileFeel NOT so temporary.Clothes are like a Chinese laundry Meanwhile, ONE mess begets AN-OTHERWhy bother tidying THIS, when a thin layer of dust permeates everything?How many MORE banged shins and stubbed TOES before we GET to the NEW?How many evenings WISHING I had just ONE more HOUR in me? TRYING too hard! I’ve been putting off that Window. Once INTO it my mind starts to wander off.Good riddance!NOW I am ENJOYING the WORKIt is EASY to do a good job in such a state Every now and then my mind wanders back in from its travelsAnd says things like….. Hurry UP!Who are you doing this forYou don’t even own this house!LEAVE that bit.Won’t it be lovely WHEN it’s finished?If you get THIS done, then you can do that, and then THIS is possible, andthen……….But you CAN’T do this yet, and maybe THIS won’t work, and , and….. Fuck off! Oops, me apologies, Ma’am. Meanwhile, the painting’s gone to shit! Maybe it’s the fumes from the paintingDon’t look now but methinks me monkey’s gone for a kip Ain’t it funny how certain FILMS re-appear when you’re painting? Anyway, I begin to muse over GRAND designs and BEING creative. Hoo-HA, WOULDN’T it be Gggrr-REAT?Tony the TIGER, that’s me!Great MATE, Woof! Meanwhile, I have learned enough to know (which is not much) that to ME,it’s MY life, MY plans, MY dreams, MY trials and tribulations, my problems,my OBSTACLES, in short, MY GRAND IDEAS. Whereas to LIFE, it is just InnocentTwaddle! (well not ALWAYS innocent!) For some reason this has me laughing my head off at my predicament and the“hu-man condition”! . After ALL is said and done, is not LIFE just ONE big WIND-UP?What arrogance to THINK I can even change a THING, OUT there!?I can only change me, self. And be content with THAT! Ha! Just ONCE , though, I’d like to get my OWN back! I’d SHOW life!I’d WIND, UP, life! What’s IN this stuff!? Hee hee…. Now THAT would be CREATIVE! Meanwhile, that WINDOW’s come up a TREAT! With love from a Bard of the Setting SunFalling off his laadder