Bard of the Setting Sun

A collection of Words, Quotes and Humour by myself and others


"A person without a sense of humour is like a wagon without springs..

- jolted by every pebble in the road." (Henry Ward Beecher)

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I am a Jagged Rock
And I have fallen from the Mountain
Slowly but surely I have found my way
Into a small but swiftly flowing fountain

I jumble as I turn against others
We crash again and again
Sometimes I cry out in my despair against the mountain
And I experience real pain

Gradually over time my roughness becomes me
And I forget from whence I came
My journey a river
My torments the same

Sometimes I lie deep in the water
Scarcely moving for many a year
But always, eventually, I begin to move again
Surmounting the fear

Other time I splash happily in the shallows
Scarcely aware of the process of it all
But always sooner or later I drop into the depths
Returning an answer to nature’s call

I am blind in the river
For I really cannot see
I make up my own history
And decide who to be

Sometimes I am an outcast
Lonely and tired
Sometimes I am an awesome rock
Loved and admired

But there are waterfalls and branches
Whirlpools and storms
Hot springs and freezing trenches
Within all I have been torn

The deep and the shallows
Each has its perils
And each has its light side
If I can find my way through the narrows

The other rocks beside me
There are so many kinds to see
And I judge them by colour
And by shape and degree

There are some that I look at
And I consider them wise
While others in their tumbling
I avoid and despise

Over and over I forget who I am
The journeys, the madness…

And each time I got closer to something inside
The spark burned at first brighter
Before it flickered and died

But new hope is born at the end of each day
As the old world is ending
I rest for a moment
And silently pray

For a fresh golden vision
And a glittering prize
My heart leaps out again boldly
As the mountain in me flies

One day, I believe
I will return to the mountain
From whence I came
One day, I trust,
I will find my way home

A Bard of the Setting Sun


When you are strong I will support you
When you are weak I will tell you to be strong
But in all these things please remember
There is no right and no wrong

If you ask me I will help you
If you help me I’ll be glad
But really you must remember
That it’s not about good or bad

For life lies right in the moment
And if we forget who we are
We miss so much
And soon its gone
And those moments pass like tears in the rain
And really, after everything
We’re never quite the same again

For how can we learn if we are not paying attention
How can we move forward
If we are not even aware of our own potential

I have heard that a Male's greatest strength
lies in his vulnerability

A Bard of the Setting Sun