Bard of the Setting Sun

A collection of Words, Quotes and Humour by myself and others


"A person without a sense of humour is like a wagon without springs..

- jolted by every pebble in the road." (Henry Ward Beecher)

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Imagine looking down on the World from above.
See how the TRAFFIC ebbs and FLOWS.
One inconsiderate SOUL and the traffic fouls up.
Backed up for miles.
One sleepy motorist half asleep and there is an accident.
But as we know, there are NO victims
and there is ever responsibility.

Pull out a little further and we see the motorways.
Notable by their faster SPEED!
How easy it is for the SPEED (70-90 mph)
to be slowed to a crawl,
with just ONE misjudged moment.
Everyone for miles and miles is affected.

Then we have the signs on the side of the road.
Mother at her best:
FOG when there IS no fog.
But yet everyone slows down
and we ALL slow down in any case.
Sleeping policemen. Traffic Calming!
All well intentioned,
and yet the social worker will be the death of us all
If we are NOT care-full!

Finally, I imagine looking at LIVING FLESH under a microscope.
the Microcosm of the Macrocosm.
I see the blood flow.
Every little cell about it's business.
Seemingly unaware of IT'S affect on ALL the others.

And yet, somehow we ALL FIND our place.
Up this artery, down this vein.... whatever...
EVER we fight our way BACK TO THE HEART!

A Bard of the Setting Sun who hates road bumps


In a land without time
How can we progress
If every moment exists right now and for always
How can we possibly withstand this test

What counts and how to compare
If yesterday is just not there
The future a bright spark engulfed in flames
For why then do we labour
And what then are our aims

And yet something burns brightly in me
As I gaze at this flower
And I say goodbye
To my final hour

For my time is this time
And now for me there is no other
As I reach out from the dark
And enfold my heavenly brother

So each moment is new
Like each grain of sand
And my heart bursts forth brightly
As I begin to explore this ancient land

A Bard of the Setting Sun